Project news

[CROSSDEV] Training tourism professionals and much more, the role of AITR

A few weeks back, we talked about AITR, the Italian Association for Responsible Tourism, in an interview with its President, Mr. Maurizio Davolio. Today, we want to follow up …

Project news

Co-Evolve4BG infoday in Lebanon

The project aims to promote the sustainable development of human activities and natural systems in coastal tourist areas.

Project news

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM: subscribe to our newsletter

Join the one and only newsletter about organic agro-food in the Mediterranean region. Regulations updates, news, partnership opportunities, events, resources, and much more... 

Project news

MedArtSal: it's harvest time for the "sea-peasants"

Autumn is harvest time for salt workers across the Mediterranean. It is the dunialella seaweed that warns the salt workers about the time of harvest, making the saltpans a vas…

Project news

TEX-MED ALLIANCES 'Health Emergencies' initiative to foster innovation and cooperation in health textile materials

The initiaitve aims to provide an effective, quick and tested/certified supply of health devices in case of epidemics in the Mediterranean a…

Lebanon: the SOLE project is looking for staff

The Municipality of Jounieh, Lebanon is hiring a senior technical expert and a junior technical expert. Deadline for applications is October, 24th.

Project news

MED GAIMS presented at LuBeC 2020

LuBeC is the international meeting dedicated to the knowledge and development of cultural heritage – technology – tourism, which takes place every year in Lucca, during the second week of October.

Project news

The first common newsletter of the social inclusion projects is out!

The aim of the newsletter is to create a community of good practices and experts on social inclusion in the Euro-Mediterranean area.