Project news

SEACAP 4 SDG releases the round table "Towards green and sustainable Tunisian cities" report

Read the report about the round table held during last event "Green and Efficient Cities for a Sustainable Mediterranean".

Project news

MED4EBM in Italy works on Decision Support System through the Permanent Forum’s Stakeholders

Participatory meetings with stakeholders are being planned, in the coming months to better involve local administration in a better integrated coastal management.

Project news

MEDWAYCAP Egypt: The EU's support and co-operation for a more sustainable Egypt

Supporting water infrastructure development, improving the efficiency of water networks and reducing water losses.

Project news

TECHLOG Launches Eastern Living Lab for Technology Transfer in Transportation in Egypt

The Living Lab was inaugurated on the sidelines of the MARLOG 12 conference, with key stakeholders in the transportation sector in Egypt were in attendance.

Project news

iHERITAGE Project Promotes Mediterranean Cultural Heritage at Lisbon Tourism Exhibition

iHERITAGE Project's Collaborative Efforts with Portugal to Promote Cultural Preservation through Innovative Technology Showcased at the Largest Tourism Fair in Portugal

Project news

Skills4Sports is organizing the Strategic Alliance Meeting in Barcelona

From the 15th to the 17th of March, INDESCAT will organise the Strategic Alliance Meeting in Barcelona. This will be an opportunity to tackle the gaps in youth employment in t…

Project news

SIRCLES in Italy: a project made by the people for the people and their territory

The pilot project in Italy was completed on Tuesday 7 March at the ANCI Puglia (The Association of Municipalities of Apulian Region) headquarters in Bari.

Project news

GREENinMED Organizes Free Support Webinars for Eco-Innovative Energy and Water Management Solutions

In collaboration with external specialist experts, GREENinMED offers international support to help start-ups and SMEs involved in energy and…

Project news

Co-Evolve4BG in Tunisia involves local stakeholders in the promotion of sustainable coastal and maritime tourism

The Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM) organised a participatory workshop training in Djerba on the 2nd and 3r…