Project news

Registrations now open for the joint NEX-LABS and PHEMAC Water, Energy, Food NEXUS Virtual Innovation Week

From 17 to 20 January 2022, the joint NEX-LABS and PHEMAC innovation week will bring together Euro-Mediterranean researchers, policy makers,…

Project news

MedRiSSE will build up on MoreThanAJob´s experience in tackling unemployment in the Mediterranean

MedRiSSE will use the multilingual interactive portal developed by MoreThanAJob to foster cooperation between Social and Solidarity Economy …

Project news

Creating a new platform to promote CROSSDEV’s destinations: what’s Information Architecture?

The project’s work on the new Digital Territorial Platform continues through the design of Information Architecture. What is it and why is so important?

Project news

InnovAgroWoMed offers an opportunity for Mediterranean rural women to share their challenges in the agri-food sector

For the first time, women from 4 Mediterranean countries felt they belong to a cross border cooperation project and were surprised to discov…

Project news

Contribute to the virtual reconstruction of 9 UNESCO World Heritage sites with iHERITAGE project

As the project approaches its one-year anniversary, partners held their first in-person steering committee meeting to discuss and plan next …

Project news

MEDSt@rts announces the first microfinance cross-border forum in Greece

The virtual meeting for Mediterranean microfinance actors will be held on December 15th in order to build a common Mediterranean strategy of financial inclusion.

Project news

iHERITAGE Italy launches new webpage to showcase Sicilian heritage through interactive media

Italian iHERITAGE partner, the Network of Castles and Medieval Towns, activates its landing page showcasing innovative interactive media of the region of Sicily and project ac…

Project news

INTECMED in Greece showcases the project's activities in the framework of the 7th Patras IQ 2021 Exhibition

The event was a great opportunity to connect with researchers, companies, start-ups, academia & research community and policy centers.

Project news

Tunisia: ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM extends the deadline to select a manager

The Syndicate of the Farmers in Tunisia (SYNAGRI) based in Tunisia is looking for a Business Alliance Manager. New deadline: 20th of December 2021.