Project news

Training Seminar on City Development Groups & Water Management in Tunisia: Insights from the MED-QUAD Project

The seminar highlighted the significance of water and history in Tunisia's development, and the impact of universities on society, alon…

Project news

DECOST: The local government of Anabta, Palestine, values very positively new organic waste management system based on composting

The mayor explained that the new system has reduced some of the costs of the previous waste management sy…

Project news

CEOMED in Tunisia organises an event to share its results on organic waste management

During 26th and 27th of April 2023, CEOMED will celebrate its final project meeting in Sfax,Tunisia.

Project news

INTERNISA in Greece organised a job fair to promote employment in 4 sectors

The job fair focused on technology, agro-technology, agri-food, tourism, and trade sectors.

Project news

IPMED in Italy organised an awareness session about patents and startup contest

An interesting case study regarding an auto-inflatable bike helmet patent registration was also examined in detail during the awareness session which was held within the frame…

Project news

IPMED in Italy: An Awareness Session organized by FILSE for Italian SMEs and Startups

The Finanziaria Ligure per lo Sviluppo Economico - FI.L.S.E. S.p.A. ,the Italian partner of IPMED held an awareness session in Genoa in Italy on Tuesday 11th April 2023 with a…

Project news

INVESTMED completes round of Intellectual Property Rights consultation sessions with entrepreneurs

INVESTMED holds a consultation session on intellectual property rights for each target country with the project beneficiaries.

Project news

MED-QUAD in Palestine promotes City Development Groups

They organised a training on tourism enhancement and cultural heritage preservation in Hebron.

Project news

LIVINGAGRO, two technology transfer workshops for enhancing knowledge and skills of agroforestry operators

The two events will take place consecutively online on May 3rd, 2023 morning and will focus on Multifunctional Olive Systems.