Project news

CARISMED held its World Café Workshop in Hebron along with small and medium entreprises operating in the creative and heritage industries

The Department of Architectural Engineering at Birzeit University, as part of its activities in the CARIS…

Project news

CARISMED gathers jordanian SMEs in the World Café event in Irbid, Jordan

The SMEs proposed outstanding examples for buildings in Irbid and in the historical area that can be rehabilitated and re-used by them to exhibit and market their products.

Project news

The INVESTMED project continues sharing expertise through training webinars with this 11th episode.

On the 14th November 2022, INVESTMED training webinars, co-organised by EMEA and LUMSA, brought back an 11th episode discussing the Environm…

Project news

Project news

NEX-LABS at Techne Summit 2022 in Egypt showcased how technologies can impact the NEXUS challenges

Gathering more than 21000 attendees and 800 startups from more than 70 countries, Techne Summit is an international event aimed to impact mu…

Project news

Med-EcoSuRe organizes a Tunisian-Palestinian peer exchange on energy renovation and management in university buildings

A cross-border exchange visit was organized for Dr Imad Ibrik from An Najah University (Palestine) to the National Engineering School of Tun…

Project news

MoreThanAJob in Palestine bridging sub granted projects with similar promising opportunities

The Nablus Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Palestine links MoreThanAJob beneficiaries with promising opportunities

Project news

Med Pearls travels to two international travel fairs.

Find out more about the first international travel fairs were the Med Pearls project has promoted the Breathing Land project.

Project news

INTERNISA in Lebanon organized a job fair in Beirut

About 130 women job seekers attended and 32 companies took part.