Project news

BESTMEDGRAPE: A closer look inside the “business creation joint event”

Potential entrepreneurs from 5 countries flew to Jordan to present their innovative ideas for grape waste valorization. Only 10 of them from each country will make it to the e…

Project news

MED-Ina in Jordan supports 4 circular economy projects in Irbid!

Vermicomposting, hydroponic farming systems, an online marketplace to connect farmers to businesses, quality bags produced with impact on the employment of women refugees and …

Project news

AQUACYCLE unwraps early Christmas present

Read up on the latest chapter of AQUACYCLE My Autobiography.

Project news

TRANSDAIRY invites stakeholders to the second focus group for new technologies in the dairy value chain in Greece

The two TRANSDAIRY Living Labs invite Greek stakeholders to apply to participate in the second focus group before the 21 of December 2021.

Project news

U-SOLVE shares experience on urban entreneurship, innovation and creativity

The initiatives promoted by the Egyptian partners have generated the exchange of best practices between CRE@CTIVE and INTECMED projects involving many actors from the private …

Project news

RESMYLE in Italy launches a call for ideas for NEETs addressing sustainable development

If you are between 18 and 29 and you are interested in working in the field of sustainable development, you have until the 14th April 2022 to apply.

Project news

Italy: MYSEA project is hiring a junior financial manager

Cies Onlus is hiring a junior financial manager. New deadline for application: 12th January 2022.

Project news

STAND Up!: Transforming tennis racket strings into quality sportswear, a new start-up seeing the light in Spain

Infinite Athletic has recently launched its own website and it’s ready to sell recycled garments through an online shop.

Project news

TRANSDAIRY specialized training addressing the core challenges of the dairy sector in Lebanon

A specialized training session was implemented aiming at building capacity for innovators and researchers working in the dairy value chain including public authorities and tec…