The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

TRANSDAIRY Innovation & needs of Dairy Value Chain Report

Technical Report about the innovation potential and needs in the Dairy Value Chain (DVC). The results of this report are based on information collected through questionnaires in the Mediterranean region for the demand and offer of new technological solutions. The market needs novel solutions to address the modern challenges in the DVC. Stakeholders are willing to invest in new solutions. On the other hand, there are currently available technological solutions at reasonable prices for the DVC as well as the proper channels to introduce them to the market. Technology transfer and transborder cooperation is required for the wider adoption of novel technological solutions.

TRANSDAIRY Co-Publications

The TRANSDAIRY Co-Publications refer to scientific publications that result from collaborative efforts within the TRANSDAIRY project. These publications typically involve multiple partners working together to produce research findings, insights, or advancements in the field of dairy science. By combining expertise and resources from different institutions, these co-publications contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and the advancement of dairy-related research and innovation.

TRANSDAIRY Virtuous cases report

A detailed description of case studies of technological innovations and technical assets applied in the Dairy Value Chain across the Mediterranean that was used to promote the technology transfer through TRANSDAIRY's Living Labs

TRANSDAIRY Multifaced Project Evaluation & Multipliler effect

The TRANSDAIRY Multifaceted Project Evaluation & Multiplier Effect Reports are comprehensive assessments of the TRANSDAIRY project's impact and effectiveness from various perspectives. These reports delve into multiple facets of the project, including its outcomes, achievements, challenges faced, lessons learned, and the overall influence it has had on stakeholders and the dairy industry. Moreover, they explore the multiplier effects of the project, examining how its initiatives and activities have catalyzed further developments, collaborations, and innovations beyond the project's scope. Through thorough evaluation and analysis, these reports provide valuable insights for project stakeholders, funders, policymakers, and other interested parties.

TANSDAIRY Crossborder Brokerage Events

The TRANSDAIRY Crossborder Brokerage Events are gatherings designed to facilitate networking and collaboration among stakeholders in the dairy industry across borders. These events serve as platforms for participants to explore potential partnerships, exchange knowledge, and foster innovation within the dairy sector.

TRANSDAIRY Living Lab HandBook

The TRANSDAIRY Living Lab Handbook serves as a comprehensive guide to the innovative and dynamic living laboratory dedicated to transforming the dairy industry. This handbook encapsulates the essence of the TRANSDAIRY Living Lab, offering a detailed overview of its mission, objectives, and methodologies. It provides a glimpse into the collaborative efforts and cutting-edge research conducted within the living lab, showcasing its role as a hub for experimentation, knowledge exchange, and sustainable dairy practices.

The Effects of Nanoparticles- Zerovalent Iron on Sustainable Biomethane Production through Co-Digestion of Olive Mill Wastewater and Chicken Manure

The Effects of Nanoparticles- Zerovalent Iron on Sustainable Biomethane Production through Co-Digestion of Olive Mill Wastewater and Chicken Manure

Geomatics Techniques for Historical Buildings Documentation and Restoration in Northern Jordan

Historical conservation and restoration is an important issue for heritage structures, this
research aims to develop heritage building information model (HBIM) for (Klaib
Basha Saraya) in northern Jordan. In Jordanian Heritage Management, such models
are still regarded a long way from becoming a well-established and widely used
technique. Using terrestrial laser scanning technologies, the project will bridge the gap
between historical documentation and historical building information modeling. HBIM
was created with parametric pieces to reflect the study area's structural, functional,
architectural, and historical aspects.