PPI4MED achievements are examined in the final session with the participation of the country members of Spain, Italy, Jordan, Egypt and Tunisia

The closing session of the PPI4MED project was held on October 18th, 2023 in a hybrid format at the headquarters of CSC’s House of Science Spanish in Valencia (Spain). The event was attended online by representatives of Jordan and Egypt, and in person by representatives from Spain, Italy, Tunisia and the Valencia Branch Office of the ENI CBC MED Programme.

The aim of the event was to discuss the implementation of the project as a whole, stressing on the work done in each of the Work Packages. Each partner presented the activities they have carried out during the implementation of the project, and shared the results achieved and the problems faced and how they were solved. It was a technical conference about Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) as an instrument to foster commercialization of public science results and the role of the PPI4MED project in it.

According to their opinion PPI4MED reached significant achievements, including, the activation of five national and one cross-border Living Labs on public procurement of innovation; the implementation of ten training programmes for national public buyers and national sellers; the implementation of five national and one cross-border platforms for pre-competitive analysis of products; the signature of more than 30 agreements of participation of public buyers and private companies; and the creation of three spin-off companies by NRC researchers. The partners agreed that they have learned many things about PPI during the implementation of the project, and they have achieved many interesting results, and have promoted PPI as an instrument to transfer scientific results to society in their countries and at Mediterranean level.