Project news

YEP MED selected as Top-18 Finalist at International Sustainability Awards

We invite everyone to vote on the project that they believe deserves the most merit.

Project news

MEDWAYCAP Palestine: Mutual Learning 2nd Meeting for Soil Analysis Results and Soil Characteristics in the Jordan Valley

Learning about soil health and promoting farmers' behaviour change toward the reuse of non-conventional water resources in agriculture

Project news

Reshaping industries: stories of innovation and mentorship from Egypt’s INTECMED 3 grant winners

3 Egyptian SMEs benefitted from INTECMED subgrants value of 30 000, 20 000 and 10 000 €. Learn about their innovative solutions.

Project news

INTERNISA in Jordan organised a 2-day workshop for Vocational and Educational Training organisations to boost IT skills for women

To expand its cooperation with VET organisations about how to reduce women´s digital gap in Jordan.

Project news

Lebanon: CLIMA project supports municipality of Bickfaya in achieving energy autonomy for the management of organic waste

The project introduced a solar power system to ensure uninterrupted composting operations, despite Lebanon's financial and energetic cr…

Project news

Energy efficiency: SEACAP 4 SDG shares outcomes and results in a three-day workshop in Aqaba, Jordan

National Closing Event of the SEACap 4 SDG Project held in Aqaba. Read more.

Project news

RESTART MED! empowers eco-adventures in Tunisia

RESTART MED! Interviews Khouloud Kaabi, CEO and co-founder of one of our RESTART MED!’S subgrants beneficiaries: Idwey

Project news

CROSSDEV: four years of commitment to sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean

August 2023 marks the official closure of the project. However, the legacy remains and will keep paving the way towards a better future for territories and their communities.