CROSSDEV: four years of commitment to sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean


Launched in September 2019 and formally closing in August 2023, CROSSDEV – Cultural Routes for Sustainable Social and Economic Development in the Mediterranean – a project co-financed by the European Union through the ENI CBC MED Programme, has reached its end.

The last four years have been filled with challenges and wonderful experiences from which all of us have learned a great deal, both technically and on a human level. The audience that has followed us over time through news, social media, and the many online and in-person events we have organised already knows the stories and successes we can be proud of. To retrace the whole path, our project’s story, anyone can simply take a look at the different sections of this page, from news to events, from videos to documents; and also browse our Instagram and Twitter accounts.    

With this last piece of news, we want to wave goodbye to all our readers and take the occasion to thank CISP, the International Committee for the Development of Peoples, the project lead, and all partners – CoopCulture, the Jordan University of Science and Technology, the Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa, the Royal Marine Conservation Society, Palestinian Heritage Trail and the Italian Ministry of Culture. Our partnership has been more than a mere collaboration; it has been an extraordinary bond that has etched an indelible mark.

Profound recognition must also be extended to the two Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe that inspired our model and worked with us until the very end: Iter Vitis and The Phoenicians' Route.

We also must mention all local organisations, authorities, institutions, and communities that – from Italy to Jordan, from Lebanon to Palestine – enriched our mission with their creativity, guidance, and unwavering commitment.

Last but not least, we are grateful to the European Union, the ENI CBC MED Programme and the JTS Team for believing in our vision and enabling us to scale towering peaks of achievement.

Yes, the curtains draw to a close on the CROSSDEV project, yet its legacy thrives, and its model, ideas, and outcomes will keep paving the way towards a better future for territories and their communities across the Mediterranean and beyond.

In four years, we have produced a crazy number of materials that make us infinitely proud. Below, you can find a very short selection of our latest and most successful products.

Visit the Hidden Mediterranean platform and start planning your sustainable trip.

Watch our wonderful video I am the Mediterranean and find your inspiration.

Download our book Culture, history, environment and people to expand sustainable tourism in Italy, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine and learn from our experience.

Visit RESTART MED! and discover how we are taking CROSSDEV to the next level with our capitalisation project.

NB: This project's page and our social media will not be updated after today. If you wish to get in touch with us, please, contact our project's leader CISP at