Sustainable tourism and territorial marketing in MedArtSal salinas and territories

Project acronym:
Project title:
sustainable management model for Mediterranean Artisanal Salinas
1.2 Euro-Mediterranean economic clusters
Title of deliverable:
Sustainable tourism and territorial marketing in MedArtSal salinas and territories
In this section there is an output factsheet on sustainable tourism and territorial marketing, implemented as part of MedArtSal project, which aims to change salinas' business orientation towards sustainable tourism and new artisanal products. The sustainable tourism and territorial marketing strategy is one of the core outputs for the development of the value chains related to salinas in each MedArtSal project territory (Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Lebanon). Territorial marketing aims to encourage competitive collaborations on the markets, raise awareness about the importance of the salinas in the local economy, explore interest in the preferred types of salt-related tourism activities, build networks between local producers and tourism businesses. The document illustrates implemented activity(s), outputs, expected impacts and benefits achieved, sustainability of the output and developed activity(s) and lessons learned.
Keep Keywords:
SME and entrepreneurship ; Sustainable management of natural resources ; Tourism