Co-Evolve4BG shares its results on sustainable tourism and blue growth in the Mediterranean


The Transferability Plan at Pilot Areas, regional scale and Mediterranean scale of the Co-Evolve4BG project aims to coordinate the transfer and capitalization of knowledge, expertise, and tools developed in the framework of the project implementation.

It is a tool for sharing and disseminating the acquired knowledge. It reinforces the creation and successful promotion of strong and long-term network relationships at the national and Med scale and increases awareness among practitioners and experts.
It succeeded the cooperation between stakeholders, securing the connectivity of all the partners, and, thus, serving as a prior strategy for the ongoing implementation of the Co-Evolve4BG project’s results.
It involved all types of potential end-users and stakeholders; Regional and National Authorities, Municipalities, NGOs/citizens, Scientists/Experts, tourism operators, associations, users, and donors. It targets on specific group of audiences; (a) Authorities, decision-makers, (b) Planners, experts, and (c) Specific target audiences with the vision of fulfilling their needs.

You can find the full document in the documents section: