The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

TRANSDAIRY Innovation & needs of Dairy Value Chain Report

Technical Report about the innovation potential and needs in the Dairy Value Chain (DVC). The results of this report are based on information collected through questionnaires in the Mediterranean region for the demand and offer of new technological solutions. The market needs novel solutions to address the modern challenges in the DVC. Stakeholders are willing to invest in new solutions. On the other hand, there are currently available technological solutions at reasonable prices for the DVC as well as the proper channels to introduce them to the market. Technology transfer and transborder cooperation is required for the wider adoption of novel technological solutions.

TRANSDAIRY Co-Publications

The TRANSDAIRY Co-Publications refer to scientific publications that result from collaborative efforts within the TRANSDAIRY project. These publications typically involve multiple partners working together to produce research findings, insights, or advancements in the field of dairy science. By combining expertise and resources from different institutions, these co-publications contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and the advancement of dairy-related research and innovation.

TRANSDAIRY Virtuous cases report

A detailed description of case studies of technological innovations and technical assets applied in the Dairy Value Chain across the Mediterranean that was used to promote the technology transfer through TRANSDAIRY's Living Labs

TRANSDAIRY Multifaced Project Evaluation & Multipliler effect

The TRANSDAIRY Multifaceted Project Evaluation & Multiplier Effect Reports are comprehensive assessments of the TRANSDAIRY project's impact and effectiveness from various perspectives. These reports delve into multiple facets of the project, including its outcomes, achievements, challenges faced, lessons learned, and the overall influence it has had on stakeholders and the dairy industry. Moreover, they explore the multiplier effects of the project, examining how its initiatives and activities have catalyzed further developments, collaborations, and innovations beyond the project's scope. Through thorough evaluation and analysis, these reports provide valuable insights for project stakeholders, funders, policymakers, and other interested parties.

TANSDAIRY Crossborder Brokerage Events

The TRANSDAIRY Crossborder Brokerage Events are gatherings designed to facilitate networking and collaboration among stakeholders in the dairy industry across borders. These events serve as platforms for participants to explore potential partnerships, exchange knowledge, and foster innovation within the dairy sector.

TRANSDAIRY Living Lab HandBook

The TRANSDAIRY Living Lab Handbook serves as a comprehensive guide to the innovative and dynamic living laboratory dedicated to transforming the dairy industry. This handbook encapsulates the essence of the TRANSDAIRY Living Lab, offering a detailed overview of its mission, objectives, and methodologies. It provides a glimpse into the collaborative efforts and cutting-edge research conducted within the living lab, showcasing its role as a hub for experimentation, knowledge exchange, and sustainable dairy practices.

Guidelines on the energy renovation of university buildings in the Mediterranean

Guidelines were developed and designed based on the main outputs of the project including the Living Lab approach adopted for the co-creation of the renovation process, the main results of the pilot actions implemented (energy generated and saved, CO2 emissions avoided, savings in €..), lessons learned and recommendations for replication and scaling-up.
These guidelines will facilitate the replication and scaling-up of the innovative renovation actions implemented, leading to a wider impact.

Decision aid tool for evaluation of optimal renovation measures in university buildings

A decision aid tool (Tool 1) is developed to support the energy management staff, in collaboration with students and researchers, in identifying and implementing the best options for building refurbishing and improving operation control for achieving significant energy savings, while maintaining the occupant's comfort.
A simplified tool (Tool 2) was also proposed for target groups with no advanced technical knowledge on building energy performance.
The interactive tools serve as a multi-objective decision models for the optimal ranking/trade-offs analysis between retrofit options, based on relevant decision criteria.

Cross-border Living Lab for the co-creation and co-innovation of university buildings renovations

The core concept of the Mediterranean Cross-border Living Lab (MCbLL) under the Med-EcoSuRe project is that working with stakeholders can produce more effective innovative solutions. Physical and virtual tools were developed to stimulate participatory processes, supporting university’ building managers with predictive tools and enhancing their capacity to plan and implement sustainable energy mix strategies and technologies in the different Mediterranean climatic contexts.
The MCbLL is an international network of people with knowledge and know-how on eco-solutions, connected through a platform and operating on local pilots, related to the renovations of university buildings in the Mediterranean area.

For the establishment and management of the Living Lab, the following was created:
- Guidelines for governance & management, Exploitation & valorisation of results (including different types of agreements)
- Guidelines on stakeholders’ management
- Action plans for Local Living Labs

A series of webinars was organized to launch MED (University Buildings as a Living Experience), the virtual counterpart of the Mediterranean Cross Border Living Lab (MCbLL).
Covering interconnected themes on eco-sustainable university renovations in the Med-Area investigated by the Med-EcoSuRe project, five webinars answered to the following questions:

- How to implement sustainable policies with a cost-effective approach for construction and building renovation?
- How to perform energy efficient renovation of school buildings and its integration into education programs and education environments?
- How may technology, especially BIM Methodology, accelerate growth and competitiveness in the building sector?
- How to implement the techno-economic assessment of on-grid solar PV systems?
- How can cost-effective energy efficiency and high-tech renewables take place in isolated zones/towns?

Energy audits performed in Mediterranean University Buildings

A structured methodology to carry out the energy audits, in the identified pilot sites, was adopted in order to define the resource planning, establish an energy audit team (including technicians, engineers, and students), organize instruments and timeframe, collect and analyze utility data.
Energy audit reports were elaborated including the data collected and recommendations for potential solutions and opportunities for improving energy efficiency and renewable energy applications.
An online training course transferring knowledge on how to perform an efficient energy audit in university buildings was organized targeting over 50 students across the Mediterranean. The students analyzed case studies and proposed renovation solutions to meet nearly zero energy buildings requirements, of the university buildings analyzed.

Energy Renovation Reports of Mediterranean University Buildings

The project team succeeded in implementing an innovative and eco-sustainable energy renovation process for selected university buildings in Tunisia, Italy and Palestine enabling to reduce the energy demand, decrease operational costs of the universities and ensure a sustainable, reliable, safe, and cost-effective electrical energy supply. The proposed renovation measures were based on recommendations drawn from energy audits and through surveys (for emerging solutions), workshops and courses, while exploiting a set of tools developed as a decision support to efficiently design, plan and evaluate the renovation process.
Based on the obtained monitoring data as well as numerical simulations, the total reduction of CO2 emissions is 509,93 t CO2/y, and the total savings are 148 k€/y
The implementation of the actions took more time than foreseen due to the lengthy administrative procedures and the permissions processes to intervene on buildings , especially in case of historical buildings.
Guidelines were developed highlighting the renovation process implemented and listing the best practices and recommendations drawn.