The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

D3.1.1_Adaptation of CESBA MED

The key ending results of this deliverable are two innovative tools for evaluating the sustainability of neighbourhoods and buildings in the whole Mediterranean region, with particular attention to the needs and specificities of the South and East sides of MED.
The two innovative assessment tools mentioned before are:
- Sustainable Building Tool (SBTool)
- Sustainable Neighbourhood Tool (SNTool)
Both tools will enhance the capacity of public administration in delivering, implementing and monitoring efficient measures, plans and strategies to improve the sustainability of neighbourhoods and buildings.

SMC_D4.2.2_Co-Creation Labs

The sustainable Mediterranean cities project based on the sustainable retrofit of urban areas is a challenging task requiring careful planning and a high level of engagement between all stakeholders throughout the different phases of the process to ensure that the expected targets are met and that the project is financially, environmentally, and
socially successful.
For this, the Co-Creation Lab is important to be created in the three municipalities. A co-creation lab will be set up in each participating city to support a participatory approach to the development of urban retrofit plans.

SMC_D4.1.2_Contextualised decision-making method

This document describes the contextualised decision-making methodologies for Sousse ,Irbid , and Moukhtara municipalities as partner within the Sustainable MED Cities project.
For this, the contextualised decision-making methodologies for partner cities based on the use of the assessment tools SNTool, (urban scale) and SBTool (building scale) in order to prepare the optimal retrofitting concept for an urban area and single buildings belonging to it, will include the determination of specific caracteres for each phase process of decision-making methodologies.

SMC_D3.2.1_Assessment Tools Manager

An online tool to support cities in defining their own way towards integrated and sustainable urban development.
The Sustainable Med Cities online Platform enables you to:
develop your own sustainability assessment tool based on the transnational generic versions of SBTool, SNTool, SCTool;
carry out sustainability assessments at building, neighbourhood or city scale using your contextualised tools;
visualize the results of the sustainability assessment.
The SMC Platform is a tool to support participatory planning processes. To involve the citizens in the decision-making process through the Sustainable MED Cities participative platform:

MEDWAYCAP Interactive map

A 3D interactive map showing the territorial coverage of the good practices developed by the different projects that have worked in synergy during MEDWAYCAP. The map provides collaborative and interactive learning opportunities, offering a dynamic and engaging way to learn about the solutions developed in the different Mediterranean countries. This map is the result of a joint effort of all partners, who shared their best practices by telling their stories using the storytelling method. Have a look at the map on the homepage of the MENAWARA project.

MEDWAYCAP Memorandum of Understanding

An alliance for a long-term capitalisation strategy at Mediterranean level to improve non-conventional water supply, management and reuse, formalised through a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the project partners and associated partners, as part of a broader capitalisation strategy. The parties to the Memorandum agreed to develop and implement an advocacy strategy and to set measurable milestones to assess the relevance of their joint initiative to the main outcomes sought.

MEDWAYCAP BPs’ Inventory Platform

An open and dynamic resource that plays a crucial role in sharing knowledge and supporting decision-making. With 21 best practices from 9 Mediterranean countries already evaluated and published, the platform has proven its effectiveness in analysing trends and gaps to guide policy and funding. It works as a platform, a web-based business intelligence solution, to inform and disseminate the innovative solutions and practices implemented in the Mediterranean region and beyond. The platform includes the analysis of related issues such as performance, innovation, durability, socio-economic impact, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and others.

MEDWAYCAP Innovation camp guideline

This document provides clear guidelines for developing the goal-oriented MEDWAYCAP Innovation Camps and future sustainable multilevel meetings. It supports the MEDWAYCAP experts in the
identification of thematic challenges, challenge owners and the related stakeholders by capitalizing the
best existing methodology for innovative and creative participatory approaches.
The guidelines describe how the MEDWAYCAP Innovation Camps integrate design thinking
principles in the project to address its general and specific objectives of defining a Mediterranean pathway
for Innovation Capitalisation toward an urban-rural integrated development of Non-Conventional Water

MEDWAYCAP Itinerant Exhibition

A travelling exhibition of posters and small models realised to tell the story of proposals for managing non-conventional water resources, bringing technical solutions directly to the people. The heart of the exhibition is a collection of case studies and methodologies on the reuse of treated wastewater. Thirteen projects told through an original and sustainable apparatus. The main objective of the exhibition is to facilitate access to and the promotion of good practices in unconventional forms, taking into account the user experience.

D2.2.2_Serious Game for enhancing cooperation

A Serious Game is a game designed to achieve a primary objective rather than just entertainment. Serious Games are tools for teaching, learning, and education. They help players learn experientially though play in order to put concepts into use. Serious games provide learners with the opportunities to transform experience into knowledge.

D2.2.1_SMC Toolkit

The Toolkit is composed by leaflets, booklets and factsheets then transformed into a graphic, user-friendly layout and translated in 3 languages to reach the widest audience. They are informal communication material, easy to
understand. They were distributed during national and international conferences and used as communication material to promote the main key outputs to the affected stakeholders.

D5.3.2_SMC Guide

The SMC Guide is designed for professionals and managers engaged in urban environmental issues (such as SME technicians, urban planners, public officials, etc.), as well as other stakeholders involved in urban studies and development (including academics, researchers, decision-makers, urban developers, etc.) who are interested in enhancing the sustainability of the built environment. This comprehensive document serves as a guide for readers to understand and utilize the SMC methodology and tools effectively, covering both technical and functional aspects.