RESMYLE Jordan: Assemble Your Home Filtration System and Reduce your Expenses on Filtered Water

The first pillar of RESMYLE is environmental awareness, and several of our partners have expertise in this field, including the Jordanian University of Science and Technology (JUST). They have thus been able to produce new educational resources to raise awareness among young people and the general public, activities which you can find online on the webportal 

The educational resources were developed in collaboration with experts in the water sector in Jordan. The materials contain step-by-step tutorials to assemble small-scale water filtration systems for domestic use. The infographics provide an interactive learning tool to introduce the youth to different water pollutants, their impacts on the environment, and the needed filtration system to remove them from the water.

Small-scale water filtration system for domestic use: 

The water purification process involves multiple stages to effectively filter and cleanse the water, eliminating impurities, dust, chemicals, and odors. The required materials to assemble your filtration system are 4 stackable boxes (tanks), stones, sand, charcoal plates, and cotton cloth. The water must go through four main stages: (1) Initial filtration, (2) Chemical and odor removal, (3) Fine impurity removal, and (4) Water storage.

(1) In the initial filtration stage, water passes through a layer of stones and sand of different sizes (2 cm - less than 5 mm) to remove large-scale impurities, soil, and plant residues.

(2) In the next stage, a combination of charcoal plates and a layer of sand with different sizes (5 mm - 2 mm) is employed to eliminate unwanted chemicals and odors.

(3) To remove fine, A layer of cotton cloth and a fine sand plate (> 0.1 mm) is placed to ensure the removal of any remaining small particles or impurities.

(4) Finally, purified water will be collected in a clean storage tank.