RESMYLE: Italian NEETs still have the opportunity to participate in Napoli's workshop on cultural horizon foreseen in June


TERRA: the Future as a Cultural Horizon is an international training event for young NEETs (not in employment, education or training) on the themes of Sustainability and Culture: activists, artists, musicians, dancers, cultural heritage professionals, tour operators, experts and intellectuals of the Mediterranean area will confront each other through practices of engaged pedagogy, intercultural dialogue and non-formal education, and will reason together on new paths and perspectives for a socio-economic model centred around cultural and social entrepreneurship and on artistic and cultural heritage as inexhaustible and circular sources and instruments of ethical and sustainable jobs and development.

The workshop is coordinated by Associazione di Promozione Sociale (AMESCI), partner of RESMYLE, and realized by Autism Aid onlus in collaboration with the cultural-editorial association la Croce del Sud, will take place from the 6th to the 20th of June 2022 on Collina San Laise-Bagnoli, Napoli, and will involve 4 young participants from Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan and 8 from Italy along with numerous social realities and cultural actors that make this sector one of the most important for our country and for the Mediterranean.

Results of the workshop will be for the youth the acquiring of job skills in the areas of cultural tourism and social, artistic and creative entrepreneurship, while for the local community the organization of numerous laboratories, conferences, concerts and shows open to the public, as well as the production of a short movie and the publication of a field study about the topics covered by the event.


The applications for the 8 local participants are open until March 31st at the following link:

Contact Vincent Vassalo for more info.

TERRA: the Future as a Cultural Horizon is one of the 16 workshops organized in the scope of the European project RESMYLE (Rethinking Employment and Social Inclustion for Mediterranean Young people through Sustainable Development), which intends promoting social and professional inclusion of young people in the Mediterranean area, in particular those with fewer opportunities, answering to the challenges of sustainable development in the Mediterranean.