MoreThanAJob organized the “Good Practices and First Year Achievements” seminar to pave the way for new synergies to fight poverty and social exclusion in the Mediterranean Region


Close synergies and complementarities between the ENI CBC MED Programme’s 12 social inclusion projects are needed to enable the programme to maximize the impact and efficiency on the ever-increasing competitive pressure on regional development, on job creation and to tackle societal and economic challenges.

To this end, the ”Reinforcing social and solidarity economy for the unemployed, uneducated and refugees” Project(MoreThanAJob) wants to help to bring about the conditions for more synergistic partnership among the following projects: MoreThanAJob, HELIOS, InnovAgroWoMed, MedTOWN, RESMYLE, TEC-MED, GREENLAND, INTERNISA, MYSEA, SIRCLES, Skills4Sports,and YEP MED in order to promot the social inclusion in the Mediterranean area through sharing good practices and main achievements of these projects.

During the “Good Practices and first year achievements” seminar, which was organized by MoreThanAJob project on Tuesday, February16, 2021, the EU-funded projects discussed common ground to work together for further collaboration in the long term.

The seminar resulted in developing a synergy between HELIOS and MYSEA due to a series of elements in common between them to create a green future for young people in the Mediterranean Region through training activities to transfer emerging and green skills to young people. Many other projects discussed potential synergy topics. For example, HELIOS and GREENLAND agreed to cooperate in the near future and to share their experiences  to achieve their shared goals of combating poverty more effectively and promoting social inclusion for marginalized populations in the Mediterranean countries. Also MedTOWN and RESMYLE have an ideas for sharing activities and training platform in future work.

A synergy between MoreThanAJob and MedTOWN has already been developed in May 2020. Both projects have shared goals: to focus their efforts on Social and Solidarity Economy as a way to promote social inclusion and fight poverty in the Mediterranean area. Besides potential common fieldwork in Palestine and Jordan, different opportunities have emerged: from joining forces for research and policy dialogue to efforts for the capitalization of the outcomes and best practices.

The meeting was an opportunity to a number of standard projects which have been working hard for more than a year to present some of their goals and achievements for the new strategic projects

It was really a great opportunity for us all to get together and raise our motto : United to be stronger!