Project news

MoreThanAJob portal: CESIE held an online training session for the consortium

The MoreThanAJob consortium is preparing to launch the online portal that has been developed to promote cooperation among Social and Solidarity actors and public administratio…

Project news

RESMYLE - Online training tool to organise workshops with NEETs

Only 30 days before launching our online tool to train facilitators on the organisation of workshops of the Mediterrenean Practical School on Sustainable Development!

Project news

MoreThanAJob to award €200,000 in sub-grants to support innovative social schemes

The project will launch a competition to offer 10 grants for the development of innovative social schemes. The grant size will be €20,000 per proposal.

Unleashing the potential of rural women in the Mediterranean

Local economy, social innovation and gender-based policies were the main topics discussed during our recent webinar organized in the framework UN International Day of Rural Women.

Project news

HELIOS: job opportunity in Tunisia

The Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fishery (UTAP) is hiring under the HELIOS project. The deadline for submitting applications/bids is by the 20th November 2020.

Project news

Egypt: 25 stakeholders discuss how to improve the lives of elderly people during TEC-MED workshop

The event took place in Cairo on the 27th of October to discuss the Action Plan for the application of the social care model for the elderly…

Project news

[RESMYLE] The network is growing...

Tunisia: AERE Hammamet and CSFM Nabeul ogether to test the activities on raising awareness on sustainable development among NEETs.

Project news

[RESMYLE] Raising awareness on sustainable development... Easy!

Discover "The journey of my Jeans", a fun activity to make young people aware of the environmental consequences of globalized production.

Project news

MoreThanAJob: evaluation of the project environmental impact for the first year

MoreThanAJob partner 'Eurotraining' conducted an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the first year of activities with inputs from all project partners.