PPI4MED Spain is looking for an Italian company to execute the capacitation programme


The Spanish National Research Council, Lead Beneficiary of PPI4MED project, has launched a call for Italian tenders to select a company specialized in innovation procurement or public procurement to be able to deliver remotely a innovation procurement course under the framework of PPI4MED project.

The team of experts will participate in the e-training for trainers action coordinated by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). This action will consist in three online sessions that will provide the basic knowledge of the project PPI4MED, the training programme, and innovation procurement through the PPI4MED training platform.

Then, the team of experts shall conduct via online the e-training course for 60 participants from public administration and companies in April (tentatively).

The company will have access to the PPI4MED training platform and all training materials developed under this training programme. The company is expected to develop the appropriate and necessary materials to conduct 24 hours of training for the 60 users selected by the National Research Center, using the materials provided by the programme.

The Technical Assistance Team (TAT) will be composed of 3 experts:

1. Expert in the Legal Area

2. Expert in the Technical/Technological area

3. Expert in the Financial Area


The company interested in this request for assignment of the service must send its offer by sending an email to ppi4med.csic@csic.es, by March the 6th at 18h00 indicating its best economic offer, a brief presentation of their activities in relation to the requests of this notice and a brief CV of the three teachers or experts selected to deliver the course.


For more details about the position please email directly to ppi4med.csic@csic.es