This month of March the TEC-MED project ends in its joint financing stage under the ENI CBC Med program


This month of March the TEC-MED project ends in its joint financing stage under the ENI CBC Med program. During this last month all the tasks that are in progress will be completed and the latest data will have been collected. The validation of the TEC-MED model and its tools will be made too.

Magtel is working on several of the activities that are underway, such as: activities related to the platform, communication activities, and management activities.

In relation to the platform, maintenance tasks are being carried out. Of the four types of maintenance that exist (corrective, preventive, perfective, adaptive) we currently undertake two of them:

  • Corrective maintenance. It focuses on fixing bugs and bugs and should be addressed as soon as possible. Sometimes project partners, in their daily work, find bugs and report them to us. In this case, we proceed to analyze which part of the software is causing this failure, the solution is designed, the implementation is carried out and the pertinent tests are executed so that, once overcome, the correction is published.
  • Adaptive maintenance. This type of maintenance focuses on making changes due to the software execution environment. This includes changes caused by operating system updates, hardware modifications, or features of the servers hosting the solution.

Within the communication section we write articles to inform about the progress of the project and we publish related news on social networks. We also provide information in the construction of the capitalization plan. This is a document that has been worked on throughout the TEC-MED project and whose objective is to summarize the commercialization aspects of the products resulting from the project, the business aspects and the social capitalization aspects.

In the management activities section, we participate in the drafting of the white paper or final document of the TEC-MED project where the tasks performed and the results achieved are specified. Also included in this section is all the preparation of the administrative documentation necessary for the closure of the project for the body that partially finances it.

In short, during the month of March several activities will be carried out that will allow the project to be closed satisfactorily.

Learn more about the project by visiting our website and social networks.


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