Project news

The first press trip of the Med Pearls project in Catalonia generates interesting articles to promote Slow Tourism

Find out more about the press trip that took place in Catalonia in November 2022, and the articles that have been written for it.

Project news

The 4 Spanish SMEs Selected for the EMPHASIS Open Innovation Support Program

Get to know the 4 selected beneficiaries of the EMPHASIS project to receive open innovation support services in Spain

Project news

TRANSDAIRY highlights the power of Technologies in the Dairy Industry in Lebanon

The DairyTech Open Day brought together experts, farmers, researchers, business actors and startups to discuss and demonstrate the most promising Key Enabling Technologies (KE…

Project news

MedSNAIL in Palestine: Olive holiness for Palestinians

The Rural Women's Development Society keeps pace with women farmers in Jenin "Influential rich experiences and linkages to the land over the years”.

Project news

A second Extension for submitting for IPMED Grants

In order to help interested SMEs and entrepreneurs have more time to submit their applications, IPMED extends the deadline for its Call for proposals until 9th of January 2023.

Project news

Project news

MEDUSA: The Rene Moawad Foundation inaugurates Boukaat Loubnan Trails in Ras Baalbek and Al-Qaa in Lebanon

The René Moawad Foundation and 33 North, winner of the MEDUSA sub-grant, in cooperation with the municipality of Ras Baalbek, the municipali…

Project news

STAND Up!: Call for technical assistance to develop strategies and policy recommendations improving the textile ecosystem in Tunisia.

The external expert will also support CETTEX to implement a roadmap to promote sustainable production and…