Project news

CARISMED fourth newsletter presents the workshops held on 6 cities to explain the buildings' adaptative re-use

Two final events will take place on December 19 and 20, 2023, online and hosted by Birzeit University on the University campus in Palestine.…

Project news

MedTOWN final conference, an overview on coproduction and Social & Solidarity Economy initiatives in Mediterranean

MedTOWN partners have launched 6 experimental social policy initiatives (demo actions) and 10 pilot projects in Mediterranean communities. T…

Project news

MedTOWN demonstrative actions: experimentation with social and solidarity economy to policy-making in the Mediterranean

Six demonstrative actions were developed to test different co-production initiatives on social & solidarity economy to support local com…

Project news

Focus on MedTOWN pilot projects on co-production in social innovation

Read about our successful co-production initiatives by Social and Solidarity Economy actors in collaboration with local public authorities!

Project news

CLUSTER Final Conference celebrated in Barcelona highlights results on youth and women employment

It took place in Barcelona on the 27th and 28th of November, with two days of dialogue, discussions, and workshops to exchange ideas and ens…

Project news

MedRiSSE final conference celebrates replicable best practices and social innovation tools to improve people’s lives

This closing event marked the ending of a remarkable 2-year implementation, focusing on five EU projects capitalization and SSE collaborativ…

Project news

What’s next? MedRiSSE reflects on lessons learnt from capitalized projects, policy advocacy and durable impact in the Mediterranean

Open international event to envision the future and the continuity of MedRiSSE Community of Practice and …

Project news

MedRiSSE organised a World Café to promote the replication of social innovation initiatives

The international open event, held in Seville on 7th November, generated synergies, exchange of human experiences and projects ideas to be replicated and scaled in other Medit…