Project news

MedRiSSE´s roadmaps and toolkit are available to replicate best practices in social innovation

The sixth webinar to harvest learning and knowledge took place virtually to present 5 roadmaps and a toolkit to replicate good practices of …

Project news

INTERNISA in Spain promotes women labour integration focusing on digitization

The Spanish partner gathered different administrations, the private sector and civil society to debate about how to improve access to jobs to women.

Project news

MYSEA: two new tender opportunities for experts in Italy

CIES Onlus is looking for experts for the production of a "Skills Development Agenda" and a "Decent Work Policy for Youth". Open deadline.

Project news

CLUSTER optimises knowledge about its newly developed social inclusion intervention model

Check out the two catalogues targeting vocational trainers and the private sector to learn more.

Project news

Celebrating the Mediterranean Diet: Tavira's Gastronomic Festivals and iHERITAGE Project

Tavira Council and the iHERITAGE project are calling on local restaurants and eateries to participate in 3 major gastronomic festivals in 2023

Project news

MoreThanAJob project 🌍 Newsletter 📰 #07

The issue includes updates on the latest key actions, achievements, and events to support social economy for a More Inclusive Mediterranean