Methodologies, Tools and Impact of the Sustainable Business Management (SBM) Coaching and Mentoring (C&M) Program

Project acronym:
Project title:
InNoVativE Sustainable sTart-ups for the MEDiterranean
1.1 Start-ups and recently established enterprises
Title of deliverable:
Methodologies, Tools and Impact of the Sustainable Business Management (SBM) Coaching and Mentoring (C&M) Program
This booklet describes Methodologies, Tools and Impact of the Sustainable Business Management (SBM) - Coaching and Mentoring Programme with the INVESTMED project. INVESTMED carried out a coaching and mentoring programme with aspiring entrepreneurs in the green, blue and cultural and creative industries supporting them to make their business ideas a reality. This is booklet 2 of 3.
Keep Keywords:
SME and entrepreneurship