SIRCLES concluded a training in bio-waste and compost management for NEETs and women in Catalonia


On April 7th, 2022, Formació i Treball Empresa d’Inserció (FiTEI), SIRCLES partner in Catalonia, concluded the training course on Bio-waste collection and compost management. The 100-hours training course began on March 1st and gave the trainees the opportunity to acquire hard skills, social, communications, cognitive and entrepreneurial skills. The theoretical sessions of the training took place in FiTEI’s classroom in Vila-seca and the practical sessions were conducted in the community compost area of Torre d’en Dolça (Vila-seca, Tarragona).

Practical sessions at the community compost area of Torre d’en Dolça (Vila-seca, Tarragona)

As of today, the trainees are able to manage organic waste and compost by themselves and have the ability to create their own circular economy business. The trainees expressed their satisfaction with the training course. David, trainee said: “I think that this training and the entire pilot are very innovative and I hope that I get the chance to participate in similar training programs in the future. It is the first time I learn about organic waste and agriculture.” Also, Diana, trainee, mentioned: “I learned much more than what I thought! Not only about compost and ecological agriculture, but also other issues that are very interesting for my life.” After the training course, the trainees kept in touch and talked with each other about the bio-waste management in their houses (some even began to compost at home).

In the month of April, 6 trainees were selected and hired to work for half a year in the compost area of Torre d’en Dolça. The selection was no easy task, but FiTEI is proud to be giving job opportunities to some of their trainees. In September 2022, the same training course will be offered again to the citizens of Vila-seca, and 6 more trainees area going to have the chance to be hired in the compost area of Torre d’en Dolça. Thanks to the experience acquired during the first training course, the second will be even better.

Practical sessions at the community compost area of Torre d’en Dolça (Vila-seca, Tarragona)