PPI4MED in Italy supports the development of an Italian spin-off in the field of Bio-medical innovation


A call for proposals was launched by the Italian National Research Council (CNR) to ask for innovative solutions in the main PPI4MED target sectors: Energy, Environment, Water management, Health, and ICT.  The selected proposal is in the field of Bio-medical science. After the Covid19 pandemic, special attention has been given to all the diseases that did not receive the needed focus in recent years. This is why health systems and innovative health devices are the most important for public procurers and for answering to citizen expectations.

The call for proposals has been launched by CNR-Unit of International Relations as Italian partner of PPI4MED to all the scientists who had taken part in one or more activities of the PPI4MED project.


The contribution of the call was up to Euro 19,000 for supporting the internationalisation of a patent and/or for implementing a business proposal for the creation of a spin-off. The deadline was 19th June2023.

Diapre BB is the name given to a diagnostic kit to precociously reveal bladder cancer and monitor its progresses. It would be transferred to the clinical practice with the needed procedure and investment.


  1. the Region of Campania in Italy expressed a particular interest in the DIAPRE-BB initiative, as one of the most combining entrepreneurial spirit based on research with innovation
  2. the team involves both scientists from the Italian CNR and from the Federico II University of Naples;
  3.  the team witnessed interest and participation in the initiatives of the PPI4MED project,

the proposal DIAPRE-BB has been considered worthy of being financed by the Italian partner of the PPI4MED project. 

The work will be developed together with a consultant agency that will assist he scientists for some of the procedures needed to develop a spin-off.

The mission is to develop sustainable and cheap devices to have an early and not invasive diagnosis of bladder cancer.

Well-being and welfare are subject to research and development, to their implementation and their effective use. If PPI4MED contributes to saving only one life it will be a great success.