NEX-LABS landscape analysis of stakeholders’ ecosystem to develop NEXUS Driven Open Living Labs in the Mediterranean has been finalized.

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The NEX-LABS project partners have finalized the activity of determining and analyzing the landscape of the stakeholders’ ecosystem to set the basis for the strategic priorities for the development of the NEXUS Driven Open Living Labs.

The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in Egypt have completed the activity entitled “Determining and analyzing the landscape of the ecosystem for stakeholders in NEXUS” as part of its role as a leading partner for this activity in the NEX-LABS project in cooperation with all partners from Spain, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, Italy, and Cyprus

This activity has gathered regional stakeholders in the target countries and aims to address NEXUS challenges to understand the perceived stakeholders’ needs, priorities, segmentation, appropriate communication approach, shared perspectives and impacts.

By identifying and analyzing the NEXUS stakeholders’ landscape, as well as the central ecosystem sectors and their potential impact will help determine the strategic priorities and the perspectives of Nexus Driven Open Living Labs (NDOLLs).


All partners involved   in   the   project   have collaborated to identify a list of NEXUS stakeholders including their specializations, interests in project areas and capacities to form a valuable database representing a broad range of structural sectors of the NEXUS ecosystem, through a survey which was implemented to identify the challenges, needs and perspective areas of support for key stakeholders to capture ecosystem functions that contribute to the identification of expected NDOLL priorities and their impact on NEXUS challenges.

Preliminary results

The activity revealed that there are communication problems in the Water, Energy and Food ecosystem at the level of interdependence among ecosystem actors. Overcoming these problems will be fundamental to put the NDOLLs in a central position of facilitators to:

  • work closely with public authorities 

  • support specific policy developments

  • work with other actors in the ecosystem to support commercial actors 

  • facilitate access to funding 

  • support the innovation system in order to provide competent human resources or provide the capital required for innovation. 

All the outputs of these activities and studies will be made public through a scientific paper that will be released in the upcoming weeks.