More than 50 enthusiastic volunteers "FOR OUR BEES" by the MedBEESinessHubs team in Cyprus


A deadly forest fire hit the island of Cyprus back in July 2021, the worst in decades. The blaze killed four people, while more than 50 sq km of forest and farmland had been destroyed, among them beekeeping facilities and hives.

The MedBEESinessHubs project team in Cyprus joined forces on Sunday 5th March 2023 with the local community of the rural village of Ora, one of the 10 villages destroyed by the 2021 fire, and led the initiative of planting bee-friendly plants in an effort to rejuvenate the area. Under the title FOR OUR BEES, more than 50 volunteers of all ages rolled up their sleeves and managed to plant 150 plants ranging from lavender, thyme, wild roses, and other plants which attract the bees and other pollinators.

A huge THANK YOU to all volunteers who helped make this day a great day FOR OUR BEES!

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