MedTOWN seeds keep on growing, but we say goodbye for now!


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MedTOWN's time is coming to an end, but the seeds we have planted during this period will continue to grow! We believe more than ever that co-production makes stronger and more resilient societies, more just & inclusive. Providing a sense of ownership to the community, especially in tough times, as shown by the challenges faced during these four years of implementation. Thank you for your commitment & support! See you at our Community of Practice.


MedTOWN final conference

Momento fo MedTOWN FInal Conference

'Co-production & social and solidarity economy, permeating social policy in Mediterranean countries through social innovation'. An overview of the debates and the work of all our partners in Portugal, Jordan, Greece, Palestine, Spain & Tunisia. Read more

So much to say, and so little space...

MedTOWN project is full of complex concepts like 'coproduction', 'multiplier effect', 'action research', 'social experimentation', 'eco-social trainings', 'policy dialogues'... But in essence, our aim is to make a small contribution to improving people's lives. We think we have been able to do so.

As we release MedTOWN to the world & the future, we want to highlight our beautiful 'The Phoenix Journey' training programme, whose courses remain available to keep learning from them. Our research findings, that credit what we have learned. Our National & international conferences & debates, to create a regulatory & political environment conducive to the success of the SSE in the Mediterranean region.

And above all, to emphasize our social experimentation on the field. Moving from theory to practice. Working hand in hand with real people through the Demonstrative Actions & Pilot projects, in Portugal, Jordan, Greece, Palestine, Spain & Tunisia. All different, but all co-production initiatives by SSE actors in collaboration with local authorities to deliver better services & integrate vulnerable groups.

MedTOWN field work through Demo Actions and Pilot Projects

Why MedTOWN project?

Recap video created during the International exchange event & 2nd Training of trainers. 
29th November to 2nd December 2022

Recap video created during the International exchange event

MedTOWN community has relocated

Over this time, our project's Community of Practice has evolved. New needs appeared to keep it alive and useful. We wanted it wider! A bigger space for more ideas, more exchanges, more projects, more training, more thinkers, more innovation. 

So, thanks to MedRiSSE capitalization project, the conversation continues at the Mediterranean Coproduction & Social innovation Lab

MedTOWN at the Med Social innovation Lab Med Social innovation Lab


Four years of commitment from MedTOWN partnership

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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of ACPP and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the Programme management structures.