LIVINGAGRO, new Brokerage event in Lebanon approaching for engaging stakeholders to innovate the Mediterranean agroforestry sector


Within the activities LIVINGAGRO is implementing during its last project year, the Business to Business brokerage events (B2Bs) are taking place with the aim of presenting, transferring and capitalizing the innovations which have been developed and tested in several Mediterranean countries.

In addition to the two B2Bs organized in Greece in 2021, the project partnership is now working on the Lebanese and Jordan events. With particular reference to Lebanon, the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) organized already two B2B events in cooperation with the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICH) and the Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (Fo.Re.S.T.A.S.): a first one focusing on to Multifunctional Olive systems (LIVINGAGRO Living Lab 1 - LL1) and a second one related to Grazed Woodlands (LIVINGAGRO Living Lab 2 - LL2).




After the first event focused on multifunctional olive systems (LL1), organized by LARI with the support of MAICH in Beirut, at the SmallVille Hotel, on July 21, 2022, and a second one addressing grazed woodlands (LL2), organized by LARI with the support of FORESTAS in Beirut, at Hotel Le Royal Dbayeh on October 5, 2022, a third Business to Business brokerage event dedicated to LIVINGAGRO Living Lab 1 (multifunctional olive systems) will take place in person in Beirut and online on next February 16th, 2023. Further details on the exact location (for the in person attendance), online participation, timing etc. will be available soon also through a dedicated page on LIVINGAGRO'S ICT platform.


More soon, stay tuned..!