Jordan: ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM held the first training workshop for innovative MSMEs


The Jordan Ministry of Agriculture has launched the training workshop, under the auspice of the Secretary-General and attended by ENI CBC MED Programme Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office Coordinator, Dr Esmat Al Karadsheh, which is considered the first phase of innovative projects during 12-16 September 2021.

This activity was undertaken within the activities of the project, "Boosting cross border Organic Ecosystem through enhancing agro-food alliances", which is designed to provide participants with tools and methods aimed to enhance their organic production, processing and marketing their products and develop their skills

Noting that the Ministry of Agriculture is the Leader of the ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project "Boosting cross-border Organic Ecosystem through enhancing agro-food alliances", funded by the European Union, within the framework of the ENI CBC Med Programme, in partnership with Jordan Exporters & Producers Association for Fruit & Vegetables (JEPA), Italy, Greece, Spain, Tunisia and Lebanon. 

The project generally aims to reduce obstacles and enhance competitiveness and improve the operator's capacities to integrate and  create a cross-border agro-food ecosystem. This will pave the way for the development of the entire organic sector in the Mediterranean region. 

There were eight innovative projects, five of which were represented by women. The projects included the production of vegetables and other crops by the use of sandponic, aquaponic, or regular practices under the regulations of organic production, as well as the creation of a platform for the marketing of organic products

The training workshop was very informative and well received by the participants, by covering many topics in Organic Agriculture. Now we are in the process of ranking participants in order to make the second training during the month of October, which will focus on their project's needs. 

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