Join us to debate how to contribute to the water agenda for the Mediterranean: MEDWAYCAP Final Conference


The MEDWAYCAP final conference, titled “Water Strategies for the Mediterranean: Promoting Non-Conventional Water Solutions”, will take place on July 10th and 11th 2023, at the Barcelona Chamber Building, “La Llotja de Mar” in Spain.

This important event will feature excellent keynote speakers, including representatives from the ENI CBC MED programme, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the PRIMA Foundation and all ENI projects in the water sector, as well as MedCities, the Global Water Partnership MED (GWP MED), the Arab Water Council, the Àrea Metropilitana de Barcelona and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Euro-Mediterranean Information System on Know-how in the Water Sector (EMWIS), the Confederation of Citizens Enterprises (CONNECT), the Associazione Nazionale delle Bonifiche, delle Irrigazioni e dei Miglioramenti Fondiari (ANBI) and many other public and private sector representatives who will provide invaluable insights into the challenges and potential solutions to the water scarcity crisis in the Mediterranean.

The conference will witness the official launch of the MEDWAYCAP Project Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), symbolising the alliance for a long-term capitalisation strategy at the Mediterranean level. This MoU will be endorsed first of all by the MEDWAYCAP project partners and associate partners, further cementing their commitment to tackling the water scarcity crisis.

Indeed, the Mediterranean region is facing a significant freshwater deficit due to a growing population, increased water demand from the agricultural and industrial sectors, and contamination of surface and groundwater. Climate change is aggravating this problem, requiring the adoption of innovative and sustainable approaches to water management. The MEDWAYCAP conference aims to highlight the importance of Non-Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) and Nature Based Soltuions (NBS) in mitigating the water scarcity crisis and promoting sustainable strategies and technological innovations at urban and agricultural scales.

By promoting knowledge of state-of-the-art NCWR techniques, management, planning and skills, the project aims to equip public and private sector stakeholders with the necessary tools to effectively address water scarcity.

Participants will gain valuable insights into cutting-edge water management techniques, contribute to ongoing efforts to address water scarcity, and establish meaningful connections with industry leaders and experts. Together, they can work towards a more sustainable and water-secure future for the Mediterranean region.

As the conference concludes, the second day will feature a “Youth Forum” that highlights the activities of startups, NGOs, and bloggers in the water field. The forum will provide valuable insights and perspectives from the younger generation, reinforcing the importance of youth engagement in finding sustainable water management solutions.

This event is the natural conclusion of about two years of cooperation between the MEDWAYCAP partners and associated partners, as well as the stakeholders involved in Tunisia and Jordan during the innovation camps, coming from ten Mediterranean countries, establishing as a community of practice aimed at sharing know-how and co-designed solutions to effectively combat water scarcity. On behalf of the whole partnership and with the collaboration of all partners, it is the honour of the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (CEEBA), in cooperation with the Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) and PRIMA Foundation, to host this final conference to share the achievements and pave the way for future progress.

Please discover the agenda here 

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