Project news

[MEDSt@rts] Palestine: LEADERS is looking for an Organizational Psychologist

The deadline for submitting applications is August 30th, 2020.

Project news

Project news

MoreThanAJob project is seeking an expert in the socio-economic field

MoreThanAJob project is looking for an external expert for the task of socio-economic policy reviewing.

Project news

Tunisia: two new positions under CEOMED project

The calls for applications are open until 16/09/2020

Project news

Tunisia: Co-Evolve4BG project is looking for a consultant in architecture

As leader of the Co-Evolve4BG project, the 'Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer' (INSTM), located in Tunisia, is looking for a Consultant in arc…

Project news

Lebanon: two job vacancies under the MEDSt@rts project

Deadline for submitting applications is 8th August 2020.

Project news

GreenBuilding project is looking for staff in Greece

The Region of Peloponnese (Greece), applicant of the GreenBuilding project, is looking for staff. The application deadline is August 7, 2020.

Project news

HELIOS project is hiring a Blue Economy Consultant

The deadline for the submission of applications is the 3rd August 2020 at 1 pm (Italy local time).