Méditerranée : un voyage fait de recettes et de techniques de transformation alimentaire de Palestine, Jordanie, Liban, Espagne, Malte et Tunisie à travers le projet MedSNAIL

picture from Slow Food

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Mediterranean countries have a rich variety of food products that are deeply rooted in the cultures and local biodiversity of the region, and representative of the famously-healthy mediterranean diet. Terra Madre Event takes us on a journey to know some of them, through traditional recipes. 

The lands around the Mediterranean share common problems and challenges in their food systems too, from the gradual loss of local varieties, rural poverty, particularly among women, limited investment capacity in rural entrepreneurship and the lack of training on socio-environmental sustainability, business planning and marketing strategies.

Terra Madre proposes a journey that covers the Mediterranean from east to west, in search of recipes of techniques. All this has been made possible by the MedSNAIL project, which aims to confront these problems by promoting the development of traditional, small-scale food systems, combining their market potential and their socio-environmental sustainability.

MedSNAIL has taken part in Terra Madre by showing us the "how it's made"  process of different traditional recipes,  through a number of videos from which  we can learn  traditional preparation techniques and how to cook delicious local dishes made by these communities:
•    From Lebanon we have artisanal apple molasses, a great alternative to industrially-refined sugars, as well as a form of sustenance for local people. 
•    In Tunisia we take a small journey to the islands of Kerkennah, a hotspot for biodiversity and traditional production practices. Maybe because of their privileged climatic position, the Kerkennah islands deliver products with a unique aromatic profile and quality. Among these, there are the olves used to produce oil, and baked goods. 
•    With Palestinian women we learn how to cook olive oil biscuits, which are mainstay of the olive harvest season and the winter period, as well as ja’deh, a nutritious and healthy dish cooked with all the products of one’s vegetable garden. 
•     The traditions of rural Jordan give us qors al-nar, or “fire bread”, made with wholewheat flour and cooked patiently on coal ashes, and samneh, a local form of ghee, whose production we follow from milking the goats all the way to the plate. 
•    Meanwhile in Spain, we taste the meringues of Laujar de Andarax, called soplillos, the best-known sweet of the town and the entire region of Alpujarra, in the south of Spain. As with the majority of Andalusian gastronomic traditions, these meringues are the result of centuries of fusion of the Iberian, Roman, Arab and Gitano cultures. 

If you want to see the videos and get to know the differente recipes, visit our videos session. For more information about Terra Madre and the Mediterranean beyond MedSNAIL, visit 
