The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

U-SOLVE - Urban Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Roadmap

This report presents the main results of analyzing the Urban Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (EE) across project
partners, relying on a unique U-SOLVE approach. The analysis relied on secondary data from prior studies and
reports investigating the same issue in each country and primary data collected from ecosystem actors
representing academia, business actors, business support organizations, and NGOs.

Medidas para la conservación eficaz de la costa española

This report summarises the findings of the national capitalisation event in Spain which focussed on management effectiveness on the Spanish coast.

Pilot Re-use Open (PRO) Market

INNOMED-UP proposes to work with Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to shift local urban economies towards the principles of the circular economy, including optimal use of material resources, innovation enhancement for SMEs, knowledge transfer among cities, social inclusion and citizens’ engagement. The document illustrates the open market events organized in Tunis (Tunisia) and Prato (Italy) aimed at promoting economic activity, showcasing the businesses and products of the sub-beneficiaries and promoting community engagement towards up cycling and innovation.

Pilot Clusters

INNOMED-UP proposes to work with Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to shift local urban economies towards the principles of the circular economy, including optimal use of material resources, innovation enhancement for SMEs, knowledge transfer among cities, social inclusion and citizens’ engagement.
This document contains the methodology guidelines for the pilot clustering intervention for WP5 (work package 5), wich is the project work-package that tests previous outcomes, by translating all project gathered city circular economy data, into a pilot project to be implemented through a pre-identified cluster road map strategy. The document illustrates the results obtained during the execution of the INNOMED-UP project in the pilots implemented in Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Palestine, Jordan.

CCI SMEs’ clustering roadmaps for each city

INNOMED-UP proposes to work with Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to shift local urban economies towards a circular production and consumption paradigm including optimal use of material resources, innovation enhancement for SMEs, knowledge transfer among cities, social inclusion and citizens’ engagement. The project works at a cross-border level supporting both technological developments and traditional recycling practices.
This documents contains a drafting of 6 clustering roadmaps, one per each participating city (Athens, Prato, Palermo, Tunis, Hebron and Nablus Cities, Irbid). For each of them there is an illustratation of the analysis of components and layers based on the survey, the roadmap strategy development and its implementation.

D3.1.1_Adaptation of CESBA MED

The key ending results of this deliverable are two innovative tools for evaluating the sustainability of neighbourhoods and buildings in the whole Mediterranean region, with particular attention to the needs and specificities of the South and East sides of MED.
The two innovative assessment tools mentioned before are:
- Sustainable Building Tool (SBTool)
- Sustainable Neighbourhood Tool (SNTool)
Both tools will enhance the capacity of public administration in delivering, implementing and monitoring efficient measures, plans and strategies to improve the sustainability of neighbourhoods and buildings.

SMC_D4.2.2_Co-Creation Labs

The sustainable Mediterranean cities project based on the sustainable retrofit of urban areas is a challenging task requiring careful planning and a high level of engagement between all stakeholders throughout the different phases of the process to ensure that the expected targets are met and that the project is financially, environmentally, and
socially successful.
For this, the Co-Creation Lab is important to be created in the three municipalities. A co-creation lab will be set up in each participating city to support a participatory approach to the development of urban retrofit plans.

SMC_D4.1.2_Contextualised decision-making method

This document describes the contextualised decision-making methodologies for Sousse ,Irbid , and Moukhtara municipalities as partner within the Sustainable MED Cities project.
For this, the contextualised decision-making methodologies for partner cities based on the use of the assessment tools SNTool, (urban scale) and SBTool (building scale) in order to prepare the optimal retrofitting concept for an urban area and single buildings belonging to it, will include the determination of specific caracteres for each phase process of decision-making methodologies.

NAWAMED Final publication

A comprehensive document encapsulating the insights and innovations gained over the four-year duration. It focuses in particular on the description of the new measures to promote non-conventional water (NCW) uses and the innovative and available nature-based solutions (NbS) for greywater treatment and reuse, and provides a general overview of the lessons learned and possible new collaborations for the future. This publication provides a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders interested in sustainable water solutions.

D5.2.3_Evaluation of Results

The Assessment methodology and the Tools were tested on 3 pilot urban areas in Sousse (Tunisia), Moukhtara (Lebanon) and Irbid (Jordan) with the objective to define a strategic concept and plan for optimising the sustainability of buildings and neighborhoods.
The aim of the pilots was to provide an opportunity to the participating municipalities and their experts to use the multi criteria assessment systems, along with the nationally adapted tools, i.e. SMC-SBTool and SMC-SNTool, to support the process aimed to define the optimal retrofitting concept to improve the sustainability of selected buildings and urban areas.

D5.2.2_Test of WP3 and WP4 outcomes

The objective of this report is to describe the test phases carried out by the partner municipalities on a district or a building using an evaluation system SCTool MED, SNTool MED and SBTool which are developed in WP3 and WP4 and which make it possible to measure the sustainability of Mediterranean cities.
The SCTool MED, SNTool MED and SBTool, developed as part of the international Green Building Challenge research process launched in 1998, will be contextualized and adapted to contexts reflecting the local priorities and particularities of the pilot cities and to any Mediterranean city.
The method is based on the concept of “think globally, act locally”, acting as a common “language” for assessing the sustainability of the built environment.
The use of the tools makes it possible to evaluate, compare and aggregate the results of locally deployed sustainability measures and, at the same time, evaluate progress towards global sustainability goals, avoiding uncertainty and confusion generated by the use of different evaluation tools.

D5.2.1_Test Protocol

This document describes the road map concerning the use of the SMC Decision-Making methodology (D4.1.1) to define an optimal retrofitting concept for a urban area and for buildings located in it.
Following the steps of the decision-making methodology, the documents provides all the templated to document the steps taken up to the description of the final retrofitting concept.
The use of common templates makes possible to compare the lessons learned by the PPs, facilitating the exchange of results achieved.