The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

OENOMED : Réglement d'usage de la marque collective Reservin

Le réglement d'usage est un document qui explique et aide à savoir les conditions d'usage et de communication de la marque collective Reservin. Il contient aussi les conditions nécessaires pour l’obtention de la marque Reservin par les MPME bénéficiaires.
Il met en place toutes les étapes et les livrables nécessaires pour assurer la traçabilité du produit depuis le viticulteur et met au clair les avantages accompagnant la marque collective Reservin pour les MPME qui sont :
- La marque avec ses signes distinctifs et les conditions d’application de ces derniers
- La stratégie Marketing de la marque Reservin
- Le site Web pour assurer la visibilité et la mise en relation des bénéficiaires avec les réseaux BtoB (

MEDUSA - Hiking e-guides for Adventure Tourism in Catalonia, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia and Puglia

This section includes Hiking e-guides for Adventure Tourism in the Mediterranean regions that participated in the MEDUSA project (Catalonia, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia and Puglia), which was aimed at promoting an innovative and sustainable tourism model. There are 5 guides, one for each region, which describe innovative itineraries to explore alternative areas with a view to reducing the strong impact of mass tourism in other more popular areas.

MEDWAYCAP Interactive map

A 3D interactive map showing the territorial coverage of the good practices developed by the different projects that have worked in synergy during MEDWAYCAP. The map provides collaborative and interactive learning opportunities, offering a dynamic and engaging way to learn about the solutions developed in the different Mediterranean countries. This map is the result of a joint effort of all partners, who shared their best practices by telling their stories using the storytelling method. Have a look at the map on the homepage of the MENAWARA project.

MEDWAYCAP BPs’ Inventory Platform

An open and dynamic resource that plays a crucial role in sharing knowledge and supporting decision-making. With 21 best practices from 9 Mediterranean countries already evaluated and published, the platform has proven its effectiveness in analysing trends and gaps to guide policy and funding. It works as a platform, a web-based business intelligence solution, to inform and disseminate the innovative solutions and practices implemented in the Mediterranean region and beyond. The platform includes the analysis of related issues such as performance, innovation, durability, socio-economic impact, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and others.

Interactive web platform

The interactive web platform has been created to foster the dialogue and establish a network among countries by collecting, and sharing know-how, best practices, experiences and information on Non-Conventional Water sustainable management. The platform provides inputs on operational and policy measures that need to be taken into account in order to advance the use of NCW and efficient water re-use and management, inputs resulting from the awareness acquired during the development of the activities within the MENAWARA living labs and, later, following the discussions during the MEDWAYCAP innovation camps towards an integrated vision of the water governance at domestic and agricultural level. It consists of 6 sections: Best Practices on NCW, Legislation, Glossary, MENAWARA target countries and Governance.

CROSSDEV - The Hidden Mediterranean platform

Hidden Mediterranean is the brainchild of five destinations with great tourism potential – the Jabal Moussa Biospehere Reserve in Lebanon, Aqaba and Umm Qais in Jordan, the Palestinian Heritage Trail in Palestine, and the Via Selinuntina in Italy – which have teamed up and are working together to promote cultural, experiential, sustainable and responsible tourism in off-the-beaten-path areas, which are rich in traditions and authenticity.

Explore Sustainability with Act4UrPlanet: A Hub for Youth Engagement

Act4urplanet est un webportal dédié à l'éducation au développement durable des jeunes, offrant une gamme d'activités engageantes et éducatives. Que ce soit des projets pratiques, des jeux interactifs ou des ressources pédagogiques, le webportal fournit les outils nécessaires pour inspirer et sensibiliser les jeunes générations aux enjeux environnementaux, les encourageant ainsi à devenir des acteurs du changement durable