FISH MED NET project highlights results of market analysis survey to develop new integrated models actions to diversify fisheries


The EU funded FISH MED NET project presents the document « Market Analysis » which is the continuity of the previous activity "Census of Best Practices" in which data was gathered from primary sources (i.e. fishers and fish cooperatives) and will be followed by standardizing them into more detailed Business Models. The project was developed in order to strengthen the fisheries sector by providing the necessary tools for stakeholders in the sector to develop and innovate new products and services, build new joint business models to diversify fisheries, strengthen the capacities and encourage public authorities to support sustainable development in the fishing sector. The FISH MED NET project is a joint effort among five Mediterranean partner countries (France, Italy, Tunisia, Lebanon and Palestine).

This Market Analysis mainly aims to:

  1. Evaluate existing fishery diversification activities and cluster them into groups for each country
  2. Perform an analysis on the business potential opportunities per cluster per country.
  3. Select those clusters that can be ameliorated with this project.
  4. Create a business agreement to be signed by each partner country.


About the FISH MED NET project :

The European Fishery Mediterranean Network (FISH MED NET) project was launched on September 1, 2019, and will run over a period of 36 months. The objective of this project is to provide considerable support to the artisanal fishing sector, with the aim of seizing opportunities for diversification and integration into other sectors. This project is co-funded by the EU under the ENI CBC Med Programme “Mediterranean Sea Basin” 2014-2020 Program which brings together the coastal territories of 14 European and Med countries for a more competitive, innovative, inclusive and sustainable Mediterranean area.


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Good reading !