Exploring Immersive Technologies and Game Design: iHERITAGE Living Lab Empowers Art and Design Students at Galala University, Egypt


On the 16th of May at 10:30 AM, an exciting iHERITAGE Living Lab session took place at Galala University, Egypt offering an immersive experience to the Art and Design students. Led by Dr. Gamal Elkheshen, Assistant Professor at Galala University, and Dr. Ayah Elarief, founder & CEO at Warrd, the session aimed to explore the role of immersive technologies in app and game development, with a specific focus on game design. This article provides an overview of the session and its contributions to the progress of the iHERITAGE project.

The session kicked off with a dynamic 15-minute presentation delivered by Dr. Gamal Elkheshen, shedding light on the pivotal role of immersive technologies in the realm of app and game development. Attendees learned about the potential of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in creating engaging and interactive experiences, particularly in the context of preserving cultural heritage.

Following the presentation, an engaging Q&A session ensued, allowing students to delve deeper into the subject matter. Dr. Gamal Elkhesehn and Dr. Ayah Elarief shared their expertise and responded to inquiries, enriching the students' understanding of immersive technologies and their applications.

Dr. Ayah Elarief, a distinguished expert in game design, took the stage for a comprehensive 90-minute presentation. With a focus on game design principles, she captivated the audience with insights into storytelling, user experience, mechanics, and the art of creating compelling gameplay. Students gained valuable knowledge and inspiration, enhancing their skills and perspectives in game development.

The iHERITAGE Living Lab session at Galala University served as a significant contribution to the advancement of the iHERITAGE project. By exposing students to immersive technologies and game design concepts, the session fostered creativity, innovation, and critical thinking within the context of cultural heritage preservation.

This interactive session was specifically tailored to engage Art and Design students, empowering them to become active contributors to the iHERITAGE project. By equipping them with the knowledge and tools necessary to incorporate immersive technologies and game design elements, the session aimed to inspire the next generation of creators and innovators in the field of cultural heritage.

The iHERITAGE Living Lab session at Galala University was a resounding success, immersing students in the world of immersive technologies and game design. Thanks to the expertise of Dr. Gamal Elkheshen and Dr. Ayah Elarief, attendees gained valuable insights into the potential of these technologies and the art of game development. By fostering creativity and knowledge exchange, the session contributed to the progress of the iHERITAGE project and empowered students to make meaningful contributions in the realm of cultural heritage preservation.