Forested Infiltration Area (FIA) System

Project acronym:
Project title:
Non Conventional WAter Re-use in Agriculture in MEditerranean countries
4.1 Water efficiency
Title of deliverable:
Forested Infiltration Area (FIA) System
The FIA technique was identified by NRD-UNISS’ researchers as a Nature Based Solution potentially useful for mitigating the nitrate groundwater pollution in the Arborea plain, in Sardinia (ITALY). Easy to implement even over large spatial scales, the FIA technique also offers a series of supplementary ecosystem services, such as the increase in biodiversity, carbon sequestration and environmental recovery, thus increasing the potentiality of replication of the technique also in contexts outside the Arborea area. The documents details the technical aspects of the Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) system through the FIA technique implemented and related achieved results.
Keep Keywords:
Green technologies ; Infrastructure ; Knowledge and technology transfer ; Sustainable management of natural resources ; Water management