Co-Evolve4BG in Italy launched a survey to local actors to identify key factors for sustainable tourism


Lazio Region is involving local actors in the analysis of threats and enabling factors for sustainable coastal and maritime tourism at pilot area level.

On last 6th December 2021, the Lazio Region Tourism Agency has launched a survey open to citizens, via Google form, in order to identify the main issues to be tackled to ensure sustainable coastal/maritime tourism in the Circeo National Park, one of the pilot areas of Co-Evolve4BG project.

180 local actors have been sent an e-mail asking to fill out a questionnaire in order to identify the key issues for the development of sustainable tourism in the area. 

The initiative is in progress and at the moment the issues highlighted as most urgent concern the tourist flows and load capacity of the system, climate change and the accessibility of the hinterland/coast system.

As one of the objectives of Co-Evolve4BG project is to co-design and implement an intervention on the territory, the questionnaire investigated the expectations and proposals of local actors. The proposals concerned environmental education, seasonal adjustment, the remodelling of the economic system with a view to sustainability, the improvement of accessibility through cycle paths and the growth of pedestrianized coastal areas.