CLUSTER counts on e-learning tools to improve the employability of young people and women

On 12 June 2022, the CLUSTER consortium met to discuss the e-learning tools and e-platform to be introduced for the trainees who will be part of this social inclusion programme.

During the meeting, project partners discussed the objectives and methodology of the new e-learning platform. The aim is to offer online training courses and coaching to young NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), especially women, in order to improve their employment capacity. In particular, these trainings will focus on the fields of hydroponics, aquaponics, food processing, organic farming. These technical courses will include a soft skills and entrepreneurship curriculum based on the Maharat Med project.

All partners agree that for a broader geographical implementation, these trainings will be offered online, using a blended training methodology combining recorded courses and live sessions


To increase the impact and ownership further, the platform will be set up in 6 languages (Arabic, Spanish, English, Italian, French, Greek) to cover the languages of the partner countries. According to the local needs analysis and market assessments, each partner organizes the conduction of 5 rounds of online trainings. This should address a total of 250 persons per project country who are offered a two-week online course. 

Ultimately, the goal of the CLUSTER e-learning tools is to offer trainees in different age groups and in different geographical areas a complete interactive learning experience with a flexibility for them to commit in their free time.

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