Beekeepers from Cyprus say NO to pesticides


In the context of the ENI CBC MED funded project MedBEESinessHubs, Filagrotiki Consultancy Ltd and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, have organized a series of six educational workshops around a number of topics on sustainable beekeeping practices. Distinguished scientists from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki have covered a wide range of topics including 'beekeeping management using environmentally sustainable practices' and 'pollen production and post-harvest management'.

More than forty young and ‘not-so young’ beekeepers joined the workshops, and the presence of young women beekeepers was a promising message. Through the educational workshops, the thirst of the beekeepers of Cyprus to improve their skills in managing bees with sustainable environmental practices has become apparent. The main goal of all participants was precisely to continue and improve the production of beekeeping products such as honey, propolis, royal jelly, etc. with processes that respect the environment and highlight the quality elements generously provided by the Cypriot bee flora.

Everyone's concern about the environmental risks experienced by beekeepers, especially from the use of pesticides in agriculture, was evident. At the same time, it is important to note that the enthusiasm expressed by several young people in the educational workshops has given a note of optimism for the beekeeping of tomorrow in Cyprus.

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