IHERITAGE الشريك الاردني يبحث عن توظيف محاسب لتنفيذ إجراءات التحقق من النفقات


المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

iHERITAGE partner, Jordanian Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship and Creativity (JSSREC), is looking to hire an external accountant or accounting firm on a contractual basis to conduct an expenditure verification procedure according to the official documents that will be delivered to interested bidders upon request. 

Deadline for the submission of offers is: 4th of March 2021, 4 PM CET

Learn more about the scope of work and required experiences here: Tender_Accountant in Jordan

Offers must be sent by mail to the following email addresses of JSSREC: sfsrjo@gmail.com and info@jssr.jo

For more information on the tasks at hand please check the following link: http://www.enicbcmed.eu/projects/support-to-implementation