AQUACYCLE shares outcomes of workshops with local communities in Lebanon, Spain, and Tunisia


AQUACYCLEs second series of stakeholder workshops ran with a dual objective: demonstrating that farmers and local community representatives can have a meaningful role in the drawing up of action plans for the reuse of treated domestic effluent and to collect local community insights and viewpoints towards treated wastewater reuse.

In the sixth e-Newsletter, Dirk De Ketelaere and Anna Spiteri, from the environmental research company, Integrated Resources Management Company Ltd. (IRMCo) in the AQUACYCLE partnership, share the findings of workshops addressed to agricultural communities that were held in Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia. They also provide a preview of the activities and events that are lined up to take place during the final, fourth year of project implementation.

As with previous editions, the e-Newsletter is available for download in Arabic, English, French, Greek and Spanish.