Project news

Project news

INVESTMED project starts second cycle of coaching and mentoring for young entrepreneurs

The INVESTMED project began its second training cycle this month for young entrepreneurs from in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia.

Project news

Tourism: meet RESTART MED! subgrants beneficiaries in Catalonia

After 4 months of implementation, the winning proposals have successfully completed their activities.

Project news

TRANSDAIRY Living Lab offers vouchers for Dairy Researchers in Lebanon

With a 2,000-euro voucher, you can co-publish your work and gain visibility among stakeholders in the dairy sector.

Project news

MedSNAIL in Jordan protects the biodiversity of some traditional food products

Eight new products from Jordan come aboard the Ark thanks to MedSNAIL project.

Project news

Discover Pearls Island, a new Med Pearls gamification ICT solution

Discover one of the ICT solutions made thanks to the Med Pearls project: Pearls Islands. A gamification ICT solution to discover Etna-Alcantara Valley, Italy.

Project news

MEDUSA project’s final conference

The MEDUSA project has successfully concluded its activities on March 14th 2023, with a closing ceremony and a press conference held at the Sursock Museum, Beirut Lebanon.

Project news

Project news

ReSt@rts project creates a digital platform to connect entrepreneurs and microfinance promoters

Empowering youth in the Mediterranean region with ReSt@rts' Marketplace Platform