The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

Guide for clusters resetting to cross-border cooperation and access to financing tools

The guide aims to give an overview of the collaborative models developed in the framework of the CARISMED project, as well as to identify best practices from each participating city. The structure of the guide includes guidelines for implementing training programs for CCI innovative SMEs, clusters resetting for internal cooperation and external cross-border cooperation best practices.
The training programs in each participating cities have been developed basing on the research activities carried out within WP4. This section of the Guide summarizes this experience
according to the SMEs specific needs in terms of training: Tailor-made programs, based on a solid need analysis, local-based, as each CCI fabric has its specificities, experiential learning approach, and concise programs.

Guide for Low-Cost Adaptive Reuse Strategy- LCARS

The guide covers topics related to Low-Cost Adaptive Reuse

The Low-Cost Adaptive Reuse Strategy- Study Cases of Implementation in six MED-Cities:
Hebron: Participatory laboratory for craftsmen,
Athens; Portable LCARS kiosk
Palermo: Creative craft ship studio
Irbid: Youth Up-Cycling Workshop
Murcia: Nebula creative space
Tunis: Exhibition space for young creatives.

The General focus of the pilot was to define the main characteristics of the pilot area/building and explanation of the choice of the pilot location, the general objective of the intervention on a short, medium, and long term, description of the intervention, key relevant stakeholders engaged in the process (beforehand, along the process and end user), main identified challenges in the implementation and the impact and sustainability: socio- economic and environmental aspects.

Empowering Mediterranean Industries: Euro-Med CRE@CTIVE Observatory

CRE@CTIVE is revolutionizing Mediterranean industries by fostering creativity and innovation. Through strategic linkages between traditional and creative sectors, the project aims to enhance competitiveness and drive job creation. Discover our collaborative efforts and innovative projects shaping the future of textile, footwear, and leather sectors across the region.

Toolkit/Advisory guide of Urban Policy for Med-cities

The toolkit / advisory guide will support and effectively help all interested parties:
- To get familiar with the CE concept and contemporary practices that manage to combine the sustainability principles with Creativity, focusing on a more eco-friendly and innovative economy;
- To get familiar with innovative methods and techniques that gradually create the very dynamic field of the upcycling productivity
- To be more aware of the LCARs methodology.
It is suited for the resetting of the built environment both in the business content and in the building shell.

CRE@CTIVE's 6 creative labs supporting the Textile, Clothing, Footwear & Leather (TCFL) sectors in the Mediterranean

CRE@CTIVE's six creative labs initiative is a cornerstone of support for businesses and their 16 subgrantees within the Textile, Clothing, Footwear & Leather (TCFL) industries. These labs provide essential resources, collaboration opportunities, and services tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs navigating a dynamic market environment. By fostering entrepreneurship and facilitating access to cutting-edge technologies, these labs drive innovation, sustainability, and competitiveness across the TCFL sectors. Discover the pilot projects underway in each lab and explore the range of services available to industry stakeholders.

Analysis of the Textile, Clothing, Leather & Foootwear (TCFL) sectors in the Mediterranean region

The CRE@CTIVE project presents comprehensive sectorial studies delving into the Textile, Clothing, Leather & Footwear (TCFL) industries across six regions: Egypt, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Jordan, and Palestine. These studies, available as PDF documents, meticulously analyze the TCFL sectors within each CRE@CTIVE region, offering invaluable insights into their economic landscapes, market dynamics, and growth potentials. Whether you're a stakeholder, policymaker, or industry enthusiast, these documents serve as essential resources for understanding and navigating the intricate fabric of TCFL sectors in the Med region.

IPMED Intellectual Property Training Module 8: Management and Commercialization of IP Assets

A comprehensive training material on IPR is one of the major deliverables of IPMED, it is essential to develop basic knowledge and institutional capacity for effective policy and strategy development on intellectual property rights, providing Practical knowledge that will help businesses and entrepreneurs know how to protect their intellectual property, find its value and exploit it commercially.
Based on the above Eight (8) videos in English (one for each training module), each of which will include a visual representation of the relevant training subject of the module, accompanied by the image of the trainer (in a small icon) who made the relevant presentation speaking in English, and there will be a corresponding translation into French by a translator.
These videos will be suitable for distance online asynchronous training of interested entrepreneurs, business executives, executives of academic and research institutions, executives of other public institutions, etc., on IP issues.

IPMED Intellectual Property Training Module 7: IP & Innovation Policy

A comprehensive training material on IPR is one of the major deliverables of IPMED, it is essential to develop basic knowledge and institutional capacity for effective policy and strategy development on intellectual property rights, providing Practical knowledge that will help businesses and entrepreneurs know how to protect their intellectual property, find its value and exploit it commercially.
Based on the above Eight (8) videos in English (one for each training module), each of which will include a visual representation of the relevant training subject of the module, accompanied by the image of the trainer (in a small icon) who made the relevant presentation speaking in English, and there will be a corresponding translation into French by a translator.
These videos will be suitable for distance online asynchronous training of interested entrepreneurs, business executives, executives of academic and research institutions, executives of other public institutions, etc., on IP issues.

IPMED Intellectual Property Training Module 6: Geographical Indications

A comprehensive training material on IPR is one of the major deliverables of IPMED, it is essential to develop basic knowledge and institutional capacity for effective policy and strategy development on intellectual property rights, providing Practical knowledge that will help businesses and entrepreneurs know how to protect their intellectual property, find its value and exploit it commercially.
Based on the above Eight (8) videos in English (one for each training module), each of which will include a visual representation of the relevant training subject of the module, accompanied by the image of the trainer (in a small icon) who made the relevant presentation speaking in English, and there will be a corresponding translation into French by a translator.
These videos will be suitable for distance online asynchronous training of interested entrepreneurs, business executives, executives of academic and research institutions, executives of other public institutions, etc., on IP issues.

OENOMED : plan de capitalisation

Ce plan présente la stratégie élaborée par le chef de file pour maximiser les impacts positifs et assurer la durabilité des résultats/outputs au-delà de la période de mise en œuvre du projet. Il contient les réalisations et la capitalisation potentielle de chaque partenaire ainsi que la démarche de capitalisation du chef de file.

Présentation des projets subventionnés par OENOMED

Cette newsletter met en lumière le développement des caves financés par les subventions du projet OENOMED, ainsi que les progrès réalisés par chaque pays partenaire. Dans chaque pays, un appel à candidatures a été lancé, suivi d'une sélection de caves à vin et/ou de domaines qui auront l'opportunité de bénéficier d'une formation en marketing, ainsi que d'une subvention pouvant atteindre 6300 euros pour la mise en œuvre de réseaux commerciaux. Afin de maximiser l'impact de cette subvention, les candidats ont participé à des séances de renforcement des capacités et à différentes réunions axées sur l'élaboration de leurs plans d'action.

OENOMED : Comment avoir accès à la marque Reservin ?

Pour accéder à la marque Reservin, les MPME doivent se conformer à un règlement d'usage détaillé ainsi qu'à un cahier des charges, désormais disponibles. Ces documents définissent les normes et les directives que les producteurs de vin doivent suivre pour être éligibles à la marque. Une déclaration d'engagement accompagne ces documents, engageant formellement les producteurs dans une démarche de durabilité et de respect des critères Reservin. Un schéma informatif simplifie la compréhension du processus d'adhésion à la marque Reservin. Cette représentation visuelle, claire et concise, résume les étapes suivies par les 43 MPME actuellement en possession de la marque Reservin, exposant ainsi la manière dont ils ont réussi à obtenir cette distinction tant recherchée. En unissant les producteurs de différents pays autour de ces valeurs communes, la marque Reservin émerge comme un leader incontesté dans le panorama vinicole mondial. Reservin s'engage collectivement en faveur de pratiques responsables au sein de la vitiviniculture, incitant non seulement à la préservation de l'environnement, mais également à une compréhension plus approfondie et éclairée du monde vitivinicole. En favorisant l'adoption de pratiques culturales durables, Reservin ouvre la voie vers un avenir où la qualité du vin s'harmonise parfaitement avec la responsabilité environnementale, répondant ainsi aux attentes éthiques et gustatives des consommateurs avertis.