The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

AQUACYCLE My Autobiography - Part 2 Exceeding on expectations

The manuscript “AQUACYCLE My Autobiography” brings an account of the project’s journey through the ‘eyes’ of the project’s eco-innovative wastewater treatment system.
It is foremost intended to share the project’s aims and objectives and the progress towards achieving these objectives in an easy-to-understand manner. It is hoped that readers, including society at large will thus gain access into the functioning and purpose of the components that make up the treatment system: an anaerobic digester, one or more constructed wetlands and a solar raceway pond reactor.
Along the project’s journey, AQUACYCLE meets up not only with his ‘creators’, i.e. the research teams in the ENI CBC Med funded project but also with water stakeholders, including farmers from around the Mediterranean Region who are alerting to the dire water situation they are facing and how junior high school students amaze their teachers with their intimate knowledge also of EU regulations concerning treated wastewater reuse and more.
This second tome, published in October 2023 brings the sequel to My Autobiography: Anxiously waiting to make my physical appearance, published in February 2022. The latter collects the chapters prior to the construction of a first pilot demonstration unit of the treatment system in Spain, hence the title ‘Anxiously waiting to make my physical appearance’.
In this sequel, the reader is informed how the project reached all of its originally foreseen objectives ... and much more ! ... hence the title ‘Exceeding on expectations’.

AQUACYCLE My Autobiography - Part 1 Anxiously waiting to make my physical appearance

The manuscript “AQUACYCLE My Autobiography” brings an account of the project’s journey through the ‘eyes’ of the project’s eco-innovative wastewater treatment system.
It is foremost intended to share the project’s aims and objectives and the progress towards achieving these objectives in an easy-to-understand manner. It is hoped that readers, including society at large will thus gain access into the functioning and purpose of the components that make up the treatment system: an anaerobic digester, one or more constructed wetlands and a solar raceway pond reactor.
Along the project’s journey, AQUACYCLE meets up not only with his ‘creators’, i.e. the research teams in the ENI CBC Med funded project but also with water stakeholders, including farmers from around the Mediterranean Region who are alerting to the dire water situation they are facing.
This first tome, published in February 2022 collects the chapters prior to the construction of a first pilot demonstration unit of the treatment system in Spain, hence the title ‘Anxiously waiting to make my physical appearance’.

Water Reuse in Agriculture in a Living Lab environment

In a living lab environment, We World - GVC Onlus, NARC and ONAS supported by all relevant stakeholders, tested improved irrigation systems supplied with treated wastewater (TWW) of better quality thanks to the rehabilitation of their Waste Water Treatment Plants to increase the production of lemon, olives, grapes and fodder. In the target areas, a governance model has been built that, thanks to the living lab approach, is impacting the perception of reuse to public officials and population.

Glossary on water reuse in agriculture

With the aim to facilitate a proper understanding of the terminology used in the frame of water reuse, and contributing to ensuring the proper use of associated terms, a glossary section has been created and included in the MENAWARA interactive platform. Definitions are both in English and in Arabic, while the terms have been translated in Spanish, Italian, French, Greek and Arabic, the languages spoken within the MENAWARA and MEDWAYCAP projects.
It is possible to insert a single word in the string to obtain the related definition and/or its translation. The word can be entered in any of the 6 languages.

Interactive web platform

The interactive web platform has been created to foster the dialogue and establish a network among countries by collecting, and sharing know-how, best practices, experiences and information on Non-Conventional Water sustainable management. The platform provides inputs on operational and policy measures that need to be taken into account in order to advance the use of NCW and efficient water re-use and management, inputs resulting from the awareness acquired during the development of the activities within the MENAWARA living labs and, later, following the discussions during the MEDWAYCAP innovation camps towards an integrated vision of the water governance at domestic and agricultural level. It consists of 6 sections: Best Practices on NCW, Legislation, Glossary, MENAWARA target countries and Governance.

Living Labs approach

Using Treated Waste Water as an input for agricultural production requires some adaptations both in the agricultural practices, the irrigation techniques, and the governance bodies. Moreover, social acceptability would limit its use. In this framework, Living Labs are an appropriate learning space that would open to the adoption of the technical innovation through a social innovation. This documents reports the "living lab approach" used by the MENAWARA project which has been adapted in each target country according to its own context and needs. 3 momentum phases have been identified to lay the foundations for a sustainable learning space.

Gocce di Rugiada – NAWAMED short film

Cinema has always been a powerful medium for communicating messages and ideas to the public. By harnessing the visual and auditory elements, a short film can make a lasting impact on viewers. NAWAMED recognises the potential of this medium to captivate audiences and make them think about the urgency of promoting Nature-based Solutions and the use of Non-Conventional Water Resources. The short film, shot in Italian and subtitled in English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Catalan and Greek, was selected for 20 international film festivals.

Mediterranean Policy Document

This document focuses on the requirements for the development of policy frameworks for the application of Non-Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) solutions, promoting the outcomes of stakeholder discussions undertaken in the countries participating in the NAWAMED Project – Italy, Malta, Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan, with a view of presenting a regional (Mediterranean) policy vision for the promotion of NCWR solutions in the region.

NAWAMED Final publication

A comprehensive document encapsulating the insights and innovations gained over the four-year duration. It focuses in particular on the description of the new measures to promote non-conventional water (NCW) uses and the innovative and available nature-based solutions (NbS) for greywater treatment and reuse, and provides a general overview of the lessons learned and possible new collaborations for the future. This publication provides a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders interested in sustainable water solutions.