U-SOLVE in Greece embarks on its capacity building journey to boost sustainable urban development


As part of the U-SOLVE’s activities, all partners from 6 countries of the Mediterranean region must host capacity-building training to prepare their applicants for the project’s subgrant application.

As a reminder, earlier this year, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) and e-Trikala, the U-SOLVE partners from Greece, opened a call for Greek entrepreneurs, start-uppers, individuals or teams to submit their business ideas or projects that can meet the challenges of sustainable urban development. The finalists of this call will be awarded a subgrant of up to €10,000 per beneficiary.

The U-SOLVE capacity building in Greece began on Monday, 3 July 2023, with the participation of 73 applicants from 41 teams in 5 different thematic areas of sustainable urban development, namely:

  • Waste management
  • Sustainable mobility-transportation
  • Green infrastructures
  • Sustainable energy
  • Health services

IED & E-Trikala are the responsible partners for designing and realizing the capacity building in Greece taking place online. The capacity-building participants have the unique opportunity to receive 48 hours of training on thematics, such as:

  1. Business Creation & Development
  2. Economics and Accounting for Small Businesses
  3. Creative Sector
  4. Technological Skills
  5. Legal Skills
  6. People’s Skills
  7. Access to Funding and Startup Development

Additionally, they will receive 12 hours of mentoring and coaching sessions on topics such as feasibility check, action plan & budget, innovation, pitching etc. 

The U-SOLVE capacity building is a great opportunity for the participating prospective entrepreneurs and our local communities. They will gain skills to make their business ventures a reality and support to see them grow and contribute to a more sustainable urban environment.