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Training course for MEDISS facilitators: Aqaba, 20-22 January 2020

MEDISS partners have brought together in Aqaba their facilitators  for a training course held by Prof. Aide Esu (CRENoS), MEDISS senior facilitator.

Before the start of the MEDISS awareness programme, facilitators will work together to improve facilitation skills, assess target groups needs and adopt a specific participatory method based on beneficiaries profile. 

The MEDISS awareness programme is addressed to farmers, local communities and authorities, practitioners and other relevant stakeholders to raise end-users’ awareness on non-conventional water and best agricultural practices and sustainable development.

Participatory methods training will teach how to approach and actively involve the public in decision-making processes.

The participatory approach goal is to support the creation of an action learning system through the combination of:

  • Planning (P) to create logical schemes for doing things to achieve goals with appropriate inputs;
  • Inquiry (I) to examine and explain facts and situations, using the appropriate tools;
  • Evaluation (E) to assess results or outcomes against goals, using well-defined criteria and indicators of progress.

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