Energy efficiency: GreenBuilding builds synergies with Interreg MED project “Efficient Buildings”


University of Patras, representing the GreenBuilding project, participated in the Greek Living Lab, entitled “Designing Energy Renovations Projects for Public Buildings” which is an initiative of the Efficient Building Interreg Med Horizontal project which took place on May 13-14, 2020. The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) of Greece presented the tenergy efficiency ools of two Interreg MED projects (IMPULSE & SHERPA).

Mrs. Kouta Marina, presented the GreenBuilding project, the specific objectives and expected results, the three pilot buildings, some tips on what to include in Building Renovation within the scope of supporting sustainable energy-policies in public buildings. Moreover, the GreenBuilding e-tool concept for monitoring energy consumption of public buildings was presented.